Sundara Ramasamy
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10-31-2005, 12:04 AM
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Oct 2005
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Thiru Murugan,
Before I attempt to respond to your query, let me clarify that my criticism is not at the level that one would immeadiately associate the words Nazism and brhamanism. My criticism is based on my understanding and interpretation of su.ra's works. I may be wrong. As I said, I am not a psychoanalyst to explore the motives behind his words.
Nazism and Brhaminism(bramanical HInduism) share several things in common in their origins, philosophical foundations, and the external manifestation of socio-political structure. Nazism is anti-christ though they claimed that Jews destroy their faith. Nazism is anti-socialism though they claimed that they are socialist. Nazism is based on the dogma of racial supremacy.
Let us look at some of the ideas they had adopted to support their socio-political views. MOst of these ideas were lifted from the rantings of German intellectuals like Nietzche, Wagner etc.
1)There is no such thing as morality. Morality is a fake phenomenon. Reliogious Idealogies such as Christianity and political views such as communism are against free-spirit which is considered to be the idiosyncratic asset of Aryan race. The ultimate truth in life is will to power. As a superior individual, you can do whatever you want to exercise your free-spirit. Machiavellianism is justifiable. This idea was extended to National level and Germanic racial domination was viewed as a natural phenomenon. Nietzche's writings also had roots in epicurean pleasure seeking philosophy. To put it short, as a race, they can do whatever they want without worrying about the pains it may cause to others, of course in the name of Aryan virtue, the free-spirit. If you compare these ideas with what India had witnessed after the advent of Brhamanical hinduism in the last 2000 years in the Northern India, and for the last 1000 years in the southern India, Brhaminism had already achieved what HItler could only dream about. Brhaminism used religious tools to achieve this end. Chanakyas' work perfectly reflect these views.
I am not sure, whether NIetzche's works are merely descriptive of the human nature or a prescription for the Germanic race. According to my understanding, SU.RA's character James Joseph(J.J) and his rantings reflect the image of Nietzche and his so called search for truth and perfectionism.
Similarly, I don't know whether his literary works are mere description of human nature or a message supporting Nietzche's ideas.
I don't have the copies of su.ra's works at hand. I could not recollect the passages that resemble Nietzche's writings.
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