1000 songs to hear before you die.
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10-07-2010, 10:23 AM
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Jan 2006
Senior Member
Thanks A_E and Venkikram and baroque and TVS!!
I think we should keep this list to only thamizh songs and see how far we go.
Criteria in my mind - please feel free to debate on this...
1. It should have really moved you.
2. It should have really spoken to you personally.
3. It should have made you say wow.
4. It should have decent enough lyrics
5. It should have the hallmarks of the composer - GR means pizinjufy and provide the beauty of a raaga or a trademark ganeer melody, MSV means soothing lilting music, KVM means catchy tune, Raasa means all round composition (prelude + tune +interlude + orchestration), Rahman means very catchy melody .. again no hard and fast, but the numbers should immediately point to the composer.
6. Uniqueness and originality - inspiration is allright - but not copy .
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