Is the Pendulum swinging back?
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09-05-2012, 09:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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GE2011 and PE2011 taught everyone that 3 or more cornered fights was bad for everyone and worse for the worst loser. The worst loser is seen as PAPzi agent. They even lost their deposit, to add to their woes and this has made them the butt of even more jokes.
This then turns the GRC into a problem area for the PAPzis because they will find it difficult to have themselves against more than one alternative party in a GRC fight. With SMCs 3-cornered fights are more likely since all one needs is a single person. But in a GRC, 4-6 have to be grouped for each group, meaning between 8-12 opposition candidates will have to fight it out with a PAPzi GRC team. The PAPzis have created such a lethargic and apathetic political situation for the past 50 years that it is quite impossible to find such a high number of opposition candidates placed within a GRC for the same election, to fight against the PAPzi.
The biggest disappointment at GE2011 was NSP but I don't think it is fair to blame GMS as we are not familiar to what happened and why they were so lethargic in their electioneering at Tampines and what was behind the thinking behind the grouping of their GRC groups.
Back to the topic on hand, the PAPzi is a fascist leaning political party. They will first tax the lower and middle income before PRs and business. Whether GDP drops or not and how it affects Singapore as a whole is arguable and even a ridiculous point for contention. There are more important issues than GDP especially when it is artificial in that it has been boosted by a huge influx of FTs and a ridiculously overpaid civil service.
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