Hard to say. Their MPs have never really been battle tested, most of them riding in on the coattails of the GRC system. And this is so patently clear when they can’t even handle the F word thrown at them. Mano e mano, they know they’ll likely lose more seats in an SMC system. Hence the invention of the GRCs. But they’ve painted themselves into a corner when they lost one last year. The PAP backpedalled after GE 2011. They have been busy re-strategizing, especially on the online battlefront. Then again, they are so out of touch with the ground that their feeble attempts to engage online degenerates into the same old threats and bullying. There are a lot of good solutions out here in the blogosphere, but judging from the NDR speech, they still don’t get it. Xenophobia, one–eye dragons. These are unfortunate labels which will come back to haunt them in 2016. History will be kind to LKY. The new leaders however, when they lose the grip on Singapore within the next few elections and see its glory days over, will wonder what went wrong. But they are so detached and cushy, bank accounts full, that they don’t really care. Let the other guy handle the mess they created. A few good men with good hearts. That’s all we need. Not more lemming-like intelligent beings with an incestuous approach to policy making devoid of common sense. Good policies make for good politics. GKS understood this decades ago.