Does WP know how to use talent?
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09-07-2012, 05:04 PM
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May 2008
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Do not forget that people like Goh Keng Swee, Lim Kim San, even Howe Yoon Chong and Richard Hu are pple who tend to shy away from the glare of cameras, the rough and tumble of politics and the hustings, and they were all sucky public speakers. When they were Ministers, the number of public speeches they made were few and far between, and then the ST and TV had to come in and embellish their images etc.
So though these pple may have great minds, not all of them were like the Old Man, Toh CC, or Raja, always coming out with guns blazing and at ease with the crowds, the cameras and media.
So deploy good pple skilfully, and high office do not always equate to the power centre or distance from it. Kwa Geok Choo is a good example.
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