Why MOM Job matching fail?
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09-04-2012, 07:16 PM
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Dec 2006
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SINGAPORE: Singaporean employers and employees hold different views about the contributions of non-Singaporeans in their company, according to a survey by
On the issue of the lower cost of hiring non-Singaporeans, 66 per cent of employees surveyed considered this as the reason for hire. This however was a pull factor for only 16 per cent of employers.
40 per cent of employers indicated that the main reason for hiring non-Singaporeans was their flexibility in taking up jobs that locals avoid.
Country manager of Singapore, Anthony Ung, said many local employers do adopt the "Singaporean-First" policy when hiring. As such, Mr Ung advises that local employees should focus their best effort forward rather than speculating about the threats of a co-worker.
The survey also threw up other interesting views.
27 per cent of locals surveyed said that they saw value in working with non-Singaporeans. They said non-Singaporeans were thought to be less demanding at work and better skilled in their area of work than Singaporeans.
47 per cent of the employers surveyed reaffirmed their decision to hire non-Singaporeans, citing lower employee turnover rate as the key benefit. Employers surveyed also said non-Singaporeans have fewer demands at work and are more willing to put in longer hours at work.
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