Tey's Boss is Tony Tan's Son-in-Law!
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08-09-2012, 02:16 AM
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Oct 2005
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Atticus Finch indeed from ertwhile classic cum O level Literature text 'To Kill A Mocking Bird'.
Rumpole of the Bailey... Chuckle!
I might as well use the name of that memorable fictictious Harvard Professor from 80s TV series 'Paper Chase'...
Thank you, guys for some good use of language other than the usual vitroil from the likes of papsmearer and chaopappy.
It's quite obvious to me you two belong to the Legal Profession - Rumpole delf declared, Atticus well, talk the talk.
i am not as miffed as Atticus but your post, this particular one, brings forth this passing thought to me:
In one respect, you can be said to be like 'The One who must be obeyed' - what the late Tungku said wryly: too clever by half.
But hey, i enjoy the wit and alliteration : Supreme.. Supine... Suppliant. Refreshing!
But of course, as an alumni of 'The Best is yet to be', i gleefully await better to come.
The whole tone of Atticus, on the other hand, reminds me so much of lawyer MIW MP , Alvin Yeo : faultless and sound, but humorless and pedestrian. Yes, learned men of Justice can be equally pedestrian in outlook : competent, logical, sensible, conscientious but utterly mundane.
Unlike you guys, i am entitled to commenting like the reasonable man in the street.
Daft me also who do not think highly of the quality of our Justices and Justice System.
Two, i do not know Prof Tey personally.
I however, couldn't care less if that B grade gal was a swallow/sparrow (USSR style), the fact that the horny Prof got embroiled lowered him in my estimation right away.
Perhaps he is really a self styled crusader for the law who views himself with much romanticism plus Persecution complex.
But either you are honorable all the way, or fucking get off the high horse of moral justice avenger.
By and large, Citizens don't give a shit - cynicially conditioned, this is merely the latest in this year's unique Scandal Season, sleaze publicity involving Stat Board heads, senior civil servants, principals, teachers, academics, pastors, philantropist scions, sitting MP .... The list goes on.
Sex, Money, Corruption, Law ...
And why am i not surprised some scholar type in CPIB with help from MDA has produced a movie commercial to show they are doing their
part to educate the public on pitfalls of seduction and compromise ... Bloody hell, peasants are already stressed enough in life, then going cinema to destress, still must be subjected to self-righteous kindergarten indoctrination !
They should fucking playbit in Civil Service College for the mandarins wannabes!
Bloody wayang !
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