Significance of Cabinet Reshuffle
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08-03-2012, 06:05 PM
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Jun 2008
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换汤不换药。until the citizens ain't treated as economic digits, things will remain pretty much the same
Agree with you that the mindset needs to be changed. Anyone of them can manage to achieve their targets if the targets are clear and precise but if it is a broad, general mission that they are given which leaves them having to define more detailed goals, then it all goes down to personal experience and exposure and their underlying mindset to ask the right questions. Otherwise what they can ask is "What do you think?"
They are many good people who just missed out on a scholarship for the smallest of reasons. Whether they have a scholar background matters less than the street-smartness that comes with recognising the right priorities and the relative importance of different situations. Definitely staying too long in a sheltered and cosseted environment is not a plus point for a leader of people.
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