What is KJ's problem?
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07-09-2012, 02:49 PM
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Oct 2005
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You cannot just suka suka make any commitment to loan without seeking the proper authority. In this case, it is obvious that MAS didn't seek approval from both parliament and President before it made such commitment Actually, they can suka suka make loans anytime they want because the Constitution is quite clear on this matter. KJ needs to consult an expert in constitutional law in order to correct his mistaken position that the govt has acted ultra vires (beyond it's authority) in this matter.
We don't need anymore opposition politicians who repeatedly bark up the wrong tree. KJ needs to start asking the right questions ie. WHY is the govt allowed to suka suka make loans anyway they want AND maybe a CHANGE to the Constitution is required. Also, people should focus on why our dear Elected President has chosen to be silent when he is entitled (clearly stated in the Constitution) to speak on this matter.
When you ask the right questions, it makes it doubly difficult for the PAP to try and evade the point with references to "reddendo singula singulis" etc....
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