LSS and VB have been rather silent. The one actively making the biggest fool of himself has been CSS. Not far behind him is LTY. This guy came from being a rear admiral to heading our communications ministry where he did fuckall other than oversee the country making one of the highest bids ever for televised world cup soccer, something which other country's citizenry watched for free. LTY is the same guy that promised a single set-top box for consumers but failed. LTY is the same turd that devised plans to counter exclusive content but was twarted because it contravened copyright issues. LTY is a moron that should have stayed in the navy where he could do less damage to the country. Where ever he goes we are guaranteed screwed service at exceptional prices. His charade on public transportation is hopefully his last stay as a minister. But alas the PAPzis are effected too little by his ignorance and there is a high chance that he will be around to continue screwing up his job duties and continue to be an abject failure for the citizenry.