Ong Ye Kung, Pap and Sim lian. What is going on?
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07-01-2012, 09:35 AM
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Jan 2006
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Ong Ye Kung, Pap and Sim lian. What is going on?
I hate to want to resurface this issue but what has giving Singapore's lands to a developer for its own profit gotanything to do with the benefit of all Singaporeans. i question what is happening with all the BTSS or whatever BT-BS they call it. they seemed to have just muttered something about what Sim Lian is doing then quickly swept it under the carpet.
As a singaporean isn't anybody else here interested to know why is Sim Lian and not HDB building these new flats and why is it that only this company is taking all the profits from the sale of these high end flats for themselves? where's the accountability? where's all the money going to? Where's the tender process and transparency???
wake up!!!
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