The Voice - White Nationalism and Women (Video)
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09-22-2009, 01:27 AM
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Jan 2008
Senior Member
When this video was first issued on youtube, I noticed one of the tags was "White Women"
So i tested it. I searched for "White women" and sure enough this video was the first one to come up. Try it again now, a search for "white women" only comes up with race mixing, and anti-white women videos, pages of them. You can not find Trouble and janes video.
Try it, look at the CRAP you come up with if you type in "White Women"
It doesnt matter if you sort by relevance or by date added, anti-White videos from years ago are coming up, but not Trouble/Janes which was issued 2 days ago.
Someone has done this conciously, and it is purely anti-White nothing more, Their job is to be anti-White........ People are being paid money to be anti White, and probably good money.
But anyway, we all know youtube is Jew owned, but it is still shocking and infuriating when you see this sort of thing.
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