Australia Calling: you live in a police state
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01-06-2010, 08:23 PM
Join Date
Jan 2006
Senior Member
My responses/expansions etc:
Part of the justification for the immigrants getting the 'welfare tower' accommodation over white Australians is the misconception that we are somehow advantaged by being born white. This myth needs to be exploded.
Unreal...the amount of effort the tribunal on 2GB and Jones went to in order to 'show' bias, provocative and emotive reporting!!! How laughable is it that they condemned the use of violence and yet use our military and police to 'enforce' their agendas. Every openly-declared power enforces via violence/incarceration or the threat of violence/incarceration.
I totally agree that there's an agenda to prevent Australia from being able to stand alone (via the prevention of retention of our ability to feed ourselves). The media is mis-reporting re Peter Spencer's desire to meet with Krudd - he does not want to talk to Rudd at all - he just wants a Royal Commission and just compensation to himself and all the other farmers affected (including the families of the ones who've already suicided over this). Peter's already exhausted all other avenues as well - the media keeps making out that he's a nutter who just went up there as a first point of attack - he's already tried for years now to get a solution!!! s51(xxxi) of our Constitution also reinforces (as well as the Magna Carta) that they cannot take property without just compensation - now Abbott is saying they gave compensation to the State Gov to pass on - what a load of rubbish!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty ironic - the stuff about the Asian Nights at bars!!! Yes...the language used by police spokespeople and the media is SO contrasted to the language they'd use if they were talking about White Nights! Maybe we should have some to prove the point...........
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