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Old 03-07-2008, 12:16 PM   #10

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Apr 2007
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It is not every show, it just seems that way.
You best stop listening, because Derrick is not going to let the subject rest until every white person in Australia is skilled in some form of martial art. In the NWO society in which we have been denied guns with which to defend ourselves, anyone who is not skilled in unarmed combat is going to die when the niggers attack.
I agree with you in the aftermath of Cronulla the pigs sat back and let the muslim filth enact their revenge on innocent Australians. The thought of it makes me sick. As Derrick said in his latest broadcast that they are traitors, go out and see the way the nigger gangs act and the coppers do nothing to stop them.

I have been in many altercations with bouncers aswell and they are just a bunch of nigger mauri savages who are have the pigs on their side to beat up any white man who does not cower in fear and tow the line. Bouncers and I do not get on, it has come to the point that I don't even go out to the night spots as much as I used to because of the trouble I would find myself in with these barstards. I have seen them chase kids in sports cars down the road miles away from the pub, what they did former cricket star David Hooks was disgraceful aswell. We had a chance to make an example of the peice of **** that killed him but the jury was weak and that was the day the bouncers won the war.

It is a disgusting hate filled society we have built, a far cry from the homogeneous civil society that was somthing to be very proud of.

I am not proud of this country at all, I hate what is going on here.

I am not at all optomistic of this changing ever and if it does it will be for the worst.
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