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Old 08-19-2012, 09:45 AM   #34

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Early Dates For Artistic Europeans
In the last decade there have been many scientific discoveries which are impossible to ignore. The old version was that intelligence began with Africans. Some Africans migrated to Europe and then created the first art, culture, jewelry, and advanced tools.
But, the birth of human intelligence was actually among Neanderthals, and even liberal scientists are forced to admit it.

"Early Dates for Artistic Europeans" Pages 1086-1087, SCIENCE, 1 June 2012, Vol. 336.
"For 150 years, Geissenkloesterle and other prehistoric caves in southwest Germany have yielded evidence of ancient human culture. The earliest known musical instruments--flutes of bird bone and mammoth ivory--were found in these caves, as were the earliest mythical figurines, both testaments to the creative powers of ancient people. Now new radiocarbon dates put modern humans in Geissenkloesterle several thousand years earlier than previously thought. As far back as 42,000 years ago, while the last Neanderthals were hanging out in western and southern Europe, modern humans were carving sculptures and making music in central Europe." Actually, these were Neanderthals, as has been proven in other studies.

"The early dates, published online last month in the Journal of Human Evolution, also suggest to some researchers that certain artistic behaviors emerged first in Europe rather than Africa. 'Very special things were clearly happening in this small area' of Germany, says archaeologist Paul Mellars of the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom....These artworks include beads made of ivory and animal teeth; figurines of horses and bison; a half-lion, half-main statuette; and a bizarre figurine of a human female..."

"...This means that the Aurignacians were making art while Neanderthals were still in Europe. Neanderthals themselves began making personal ornaments and other symbolic objects in France and Spain about 40,000 years ago, shortly before they went extinct."

"But some, notably archaeologists Joao Zilhao of the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom and Francesco D'Errico of the University of Bordeaux in France, have contended fiercely that moderns [meaning Africans] didn't arrive until about 38,500 years ago, and that the Neandertals invented these art forms independently." "It may be our Neanderthal genes that are behind virtually all human progress. New DNA data reveals that many of us are carrying Neanderthal genes. And not only that, but evidence is mounting that when those genes are activated in you, they can cause you to become incredibly resourceful, pioneering, creative... and utterly out of control."
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