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Old 07-28-2012, 03:56 PM   #9

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May 2008
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bro wuqi , i agree some part of your post . yes we are here to learn and observe about life but if ppl learn from the wrong things we must voice out and help those delusional ppl when we sense something is not right . yes i agree with you that karma is just a guide that dont exists ..but would you like a condom monster to guide you ? of course you dont want , right ?
Agree, again the teachings of one, even no matter how pure, gets warped and changed by the interpretation of many. Even most sutras tells you, this is what they heard so its open to interpretation, etc.

Thats why we end up with many who started their own sects/subsects. Even amongst most of the major religions, lies many fractures because of individuals who sees their own path/enlightenment/salvation differently.

Like what the man said, pick our own poison. Take in what we think is right and reject what we see is wrong. The finger may point to the moon but the moon is not the finger. We will only know the truth when we return home, till then it is a constant path to learn. Someone once told me this, being human is like being put through a remedial class. You have to keep doing it until you get it right. There is no one but yourself who will judge you, you have to satisfy your own criteria.

All needs and wants are part of the rules of this world, it may yet change when we return. When you were but a baby, you desired only warmth, milk and sleep, then you progress to needing toys, stimulation, learning then it progresses. As we grow, certain ideas, conception and even cherished toys are slowly discarded. So it is with the needs and wants we encounter in this life.

Learning is a constant challenge in life, an open mind is the rarest gift one can find. The best master in this world is still but a finger in the general direction, one still has to find ones own path in life.

The rules are there to guide but if they don't make sense (just like GPS directing one to the sea), they should be ignored. Sticking dogmatically to a book just because "it tells me so" will just ensure one drives deep into the sea while relying on a GPS.

Learning is good but should never be done blindly. Question everything, assume nothing and certainly ones path in life has to be walked by oneself to reach the destination one seek. Form your own conclusions and follow your heart.

When asked where the road leads, the answer came, the road is below ones own feet.
S.T.D. is offline


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