The Trauma Of Birth.
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07-17-2012, 12:17 AM
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Apr 2006
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Traumatic Birth Syndrome
This is a subject nobody likes discussing. Dr. G. Gutmann, a German medical researcher, however, discovered that over 80% of the infants he examined shortly after birth were suffering from injury to the cervical spine, the neck, causing all types of health problems.
Traumatic Birth Syndrome is not a new condition. A researcher by the name of Duncan, measured the amount of force it would take to severely injure a baby's neck during delivery. He found that 90 pounds of force was enough to cause still birth, while less than that would cause the spinal joints to sprain. Duncan commented, "this is not what most obstetricians would consider a great force."
Dr. Abraham Towbin, from Harvard Medical School and the Department of Pathology, presented research at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Academy For Cerebral Palsy. In his research, he found that "the birth process, even under optimal conditions, is potentially a traumatic, crippling event for the fetus."
"Spinal cord and brain stem injuries occur often during the process of birth but frequently escape diagnosis." Dr. Towbin continues, "death may occur during delivery or, with respiratory function depressed, a short period after birth. Infants who survive the initial effects, may be left with severe nervous system defects."
What about the babies that don't show immediate signs and symptoms of Traumatic Birth Syndrome? What if the signs and symptoms don't appear until later on in life? What is the effect on that infant? How does it interfere with that babies potential to express itself completely and wholly as a human being? What kind of symptoms and diseases could it cause later on in life?
The neck is an area of the body where you can not afford to have an injury remain uncorrected. Since injuries here can affect the brain stem, all the vital functions of the body are inhibited. This can occur whether there are symptoms or not.
Do you remember what happened to Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman in the movies? He was riding his horse and fell forward on his head, breaking a bone in his upper neck.
In an interview he did with Barbara Walters, you could see that he was unable to breathe without the use of a ventilator machine. He also was unable to control his elimination system. Many of his other body functions were altered as well.
"Wait a minute, how could this be", you might ask." He didn't hurt his lungs, his bowel, or his bladder, he hurt his neck."
This is precisely the point. When the neck is injured, the entire body is affected. Similarly, when there is an injury to another part of the spine, the organs and systems supplied by those nerves become dysfunctional. These spinal injuries, called the vertebral subluxation complex, can alter the course of a persons life if they are not immediately corrected.
Several patients come to mind to illustrate these points. One woman had a full term pregnancy and her baby was fatally injured from the birth process. This is the most severe affect of birth trauma. Thankfully she was able to get pregnant again and deliver a beautiful baby boy. You can be sure this child receives chiropractic care.
Another patient, a 5 year old child whose birth was a very traumatic C-section, never had a properly functioning bladder. Her father, who was an eye witness to the traumatic delivery, described how his baby's lower spine was twisted during the birth.
After just a month of Chiropractic care, the parents were amazed at their child's improvement. They are now committed to Chiropractic Wellness Care as a way to maximize their families health potential.
A third patient that comes to mind is a woman who attended a Chiropractic Orientation one evening after learning about the importance of Chiropractic from her husband.
After learning about the condition responsible for "Traumatic birth Syndrome, the vertebral subluxation complex, she began to ask some serious questions about her own health.
Jeannie Cavallo Martin of Marietta, GA, said that when she was born, her mother told her she had bruises on her neck. She asked if there could be any connection between those nerves and her thyroid gland. When Jeannie saw the nerve connection to the thyroid gland from the part of her neck that was bruised at birth, her mouth dropped wide open in shock. She said, "that's probably why I developed thyroid cancer when I was 26 years old." This is a critical realization people! "Why didn't somebody tell my mother about Chiropractic?" she asked.
Another Chiropractic patient who began care for a herniated disk in his neck, indicated that when he was 22 years old, he had his gall bladder removed. He didn't understand why his gall bladder had failed at such a young age. The doctors didn't know either. When he saw his Xrays for the first time, he noticed a huge kink in the bones between his shoulders. He immediately said, "what in the world is that, I don't have any pain there!" He was also surprised to learn that this was the area of his spine where the nerve supply went to his gall bladder. He wished someone would have told him about Chiropractic Wellness Care also. He might still have his gall bladder. His birth was a forceps delivery!
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