Is KH = CHC, Like FAP = SG?
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07-15-2012, 01:56 AM
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Is KH = CHC, Like FAP = SG?
Kong Hee’s mentor gets flak for cancelling annual Christian concert
July 14th, 2012 |
Canon Wong, the Founder & President of Festival of Praise Fellowship, has announced the cancellation of the annual Christian concert, Festival of Praise, for this year.
The Festival of Praise is a non-denominational annual event, gathering Christians from all over Singapore for singing, prayer and worship. It brings together members of more than 30 churches in Singapore and is considered one of the most significant events on the local Christian scene. This year would have been the 26th year the concert is held.
Canon Wong, whom City Harvest Church (CHC) founder Kong Hee considers his mentor, announced on the festival’s Facebook and website yesterday (13 Jul) that in view of Kong Hee and CHC “currently undergoing a challenging period”, the festival’s committee had decided not to go ahead with this year’s festival. Canon Wong also asked Christians to “unite and support” Kong Hee “in this time of need”:
Dear FOP FB fans:
It is with the heaviest of hearts that the Committee announces that Festival of Praise 2012 has been canceled.
Rev. Kong Hee of City Harvest Church is the Executive Director of the Festival of Praise, as he has been for the last few years. As the Singapore Indoor Stadium is not available for rental this year, the City Harvest Church has generously offered their auditorium at Suntec Singapore for FOP2012, as well as the support of the staff and members in hospitality, ushering and security matters relating to the Festival.
However, as you might know, Rev. Kong and City Harvest Church are currently undergoing a challenging period.
In view of this situation, the Committee has decided not to go ahead with this year’s Festival. We ask you to keep Rev. Kong Hee and City Harvest Church in prayer—they have faithfully served and supported the Festival of Praise for many years, so let us unite and support our brothers and sisters in Christ in this time of need.
Founder & President, Festival of Praise Fellowship
The news came as a shock to many as they did not expect the annual festival to be cancelled because of Kong. Kong and 4 others from CHC was arrested two weeks ago by CAD. They have been charged with conspiring to cheat the church of millions of dollars.
Jack Tan said, “Using Kong Hee and his current legal woes as the reason for cancelling this year’s Festival of Praise is a thoroughly lame excuse. Is the Festival of Praise to praise God or to praise men? I think that the FOP committee has really gotten its priorities wrong. So what if Kong Hee is bogged down with his legal troubles? That’s not a good reason for the City Harvest Church premises to cease being usable for the Festival of Praise.”
“If that is the reason, then it merely confirms the public perception that
Kong Hee is CHC and CHC is Kong Hee
– and Jesus Christ is nowhere in the equation. What’s wrong with looking around for other premises for the Festival of Praise? Has the FOP committee truly exhausted all alternative venue options?”
Jack also has trouble with Canon Wong calling Christians to unite and support Kong Hee and others.
Jack continued, “Canon James Wong’s call to Christians and churches to ‘unite and support our brothers and sisters in Christ in this time of need’ is unwarranted.
Is he insinuating that the Singapore government has done wrong by investigating and prosecuting Kong Hee and his gang?”
“Is he insinuating that the case against Kong Hee and his gang is a case of the Christian churches v the Singapore government – and Christians should take sides in this case?
If he is indeed making such insinuations, Canon Wong is walking a very thin line. His rallying call may indeed be deemed to be an offence under the Sedition Act – especially in that it tends to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Singapore. Canon Wong should remember that the case against Kong Hee and his gang is a PROSECUTION of certain individual(s)… and NOT a PERSECUTION of the Christians in Singapore.”
Jack added, “Why should right-minded Christians here stand united behind Kong Hee and his gang when there is a real possibility that they (may) have committed serious criminal offences – against the State and against the Christian community in Singapore?
As a senior Christian leader in Singapore, Canon Wong should be really careful about his public statements – they may land him in hot soup.”
On the festival’s Facebook, others were similarly not convinced of the reasons for cancelling this year’s Festival of Praise:
MelMel Ong
: Dumbfound that an event like FOP, meant to bring the ppl of God together for praise n worship to God can be cancelled because of one man. How abt venues like the Meadow?
Tian Jun
: Hmm. I have to agree with MeiMei. Whatever happened to putting our trust in God and not Man?
Jonathan Liew
: The Glory of God should not be diminished by any event of Man (especially, Christians). Like wise, if the FOP is a ministry of God, it should not be deterred by any one church, one committee, or worst, one man. The CHC leaders’ case should not be a dominating factor affecting the gathering of ALL Churches in Singapore (or beyond) to praise God in Unity. Logistics problem seems to second the false dependance on one private unresolved incident, I doubt that this is the intention of any true follower of Christ. Truely wished that priorities and goals can be more established Biblically by organizing committee. God Bless!
Alexius C Seah
: Why would it be cancelled.. If that the case, chc service should not be happening too.
Cheska Alarca
: It’s ok bros and sis, next year Festival of Praise 2013 can be conducted inside Changi Prison.
Calvin Yio Noo:
I was so looking forward to FOP 2012…. I agree with Melmel Ong why does it have to be cancelled just cause of one man whom is under trial. Besides it is not like CHC is unable to function without Kong Hee. This is ridiculous!
Frankie Tan
: FOP is not about one man. It gives a bad impression it depends on one church. Have Canon request assistance from other mega churches. At this point all Christians should band together.
Mike Seet
: Cult of personality
Janis Yh Bei
: So CHC can mobilize to pray for Kong Hee but can’t do so to praise God?
Suzanne Chew
: aww man! I was longing to hear China Wine on stage!.
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