Seminar: Rethinking the Muslim marriage contract
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04-05-2012, 09:32 AM
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Seminar: Rethinking the Muslim marriage contract
AWARE never learn their lesson ah? Malay got saying - you can be
, but don't be
Women entering marriage are allowed to insert clauses into the marriage contract as part of the betrothal agreement Should the husband violates any of these clauses, the woman may bring the matter to a judge for breach of contract, or taklik, as specified in Singapore’s Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA).
The provision of the marriage contract was developed by Muslim jurists to better protect the woman in marriage, since the man holds the traditional right to divorce unilaterally. It reveals the complex intersection between marriage and divorce, and the implementation of the marriage contract. Generally, information on the women’s right to insert clauses into the marriage contract is not known.
The Association for Women’s Action and Research (AWARE), the National University of Singapore’s Department of Malay Studies and Leftwrite Center LLP are organising a seminar to focus on the need to go beyond the basic stipulations in the traditional marriage contract as a means of better protecting the rights of women entering a marriage.
This event is also an attempt to explore possibilities for reform through a better understanding of the marriage contract as a bilateral agreement between the man and the woman upon entering a marriage. It will also highlight the distinction between jurisprudential formulations (fiqh) – which can be subjected to change and revision – and the demands of justice stipulated as shari’a, or God’s law.
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