My friend daughter had her 21St birthday recently
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06-05-2012, 02:34 AM
Paul Bunyan
Join Date
Jul 2007
Senior Member
I am sure your friends are proud to have a daughter like that. She is 21, and if she is as hot as you say she is, she will have lots of suiters. Of these, being a straight female (she is not gay, right?), she will be attracted to one or a few. Then what? Humans crave love and affection. So there will be hugs and kisses. Then petting, etc. Her chastity ring will count for nothing, when she responds to love, it is natural. She will be making love to her fancied one soon enough. We do not live in a Puritan society. Your friends should have bought her a chastity belt instead.
Paul Bunyan
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