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Old 06-16-2012, 01:34 PM   #12

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hey psalm23,

This Robert has $24 million for you. please respond if you want to collect your money! remember, you MUST have faith and believe that you will get your money! Please respond to him asap.


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Saturday, 16 June 2012 11:36 AM


Sir/Madam, this letter might come as a surprise to you especially since we have never met or discuss before, basically the message might sound strange but it is factual in reality if only you care to know, The truth is that I should have notified you first through a more confidential means, (even if it's at least to respect your integrity) please accept my humble apologies if I Had caught you unawares, I frankly do not mean any harm in passing my message.

My name is Mr. Robert Dudley; a staff of British Petroleum Plc London, the Chief executive Director and Executive member of the BP board of directors. I ran into your contact while searching for an Industrialist or a capable hand who could assist me to receive the sum of $24.3 Million Dollars.

I have a great interest to invest in your country, as well seek your services in a private confidential matter regarding the late investor's Bank Account with First Direct Bank London Branch who died leaving some funds unclaimed in our Company Bank without any beneficiary.

This requires a private arrangement, Could you perhaps be able to receive these funds under legal claims then I will fill you in. I have agreed to compensate the owner of the account used for this transaction with 25% of the total amount remitted; we shall keep 73% and remaining 2% reserved for taxes and other miscellaneous expenses.

Finally the confidence and trust reposed on you cannot be over emphasized, Therefore you are to keep this deal to yourself confidentially because I cannot afford to loose my respective reputation to our dear country if jeopardized by you. Contact me urgently with your private email for our easier communication, contact me on my private email- ( for further details.

I need assistance from a trust worthy and reliable person like you, whom I will fill in as the beneficiary/next of kin to the late account holder to provide an account where this fund will be remitted.

I have all the details and will fill you in if you are really willing and capable to work the deal with me. Your major role would be to open a Bank Account where the funds will be transferred.

The funds in question are quite large (which is $24.3M). I will expect a straight answer from you. Yes or no. If yes, then let's work out the modalities and I will expect to have your most confidential phone number to call you for oral explanation before we proceed.

Mr. Robert Dudley

Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.
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