Buddhism's ''No-Self Concept'' proves no All Religions are FALSE
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06-14-2012, 10:30 PM
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Oct 2005
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Buddhism's ''No-Self Concept'' proves no All Religions are FALSE
all religions are centred on the mistake that everyone has a permanent soul or self or identity.........
go read up Buddhism's ''no-self concept''..........if you understand it then you'll see that all religions are false..........
Buddhism is trying to tell people that not only are there no such thing as religions.........there's also no such thing as Buddhism
proof will be the people that are considered insane or those with amnesia and those that woke up from a coma and assumed a new identity as well as those with schizophrenia..........
if people have a permanent soul or come they go crazy.......or forgotten who they are...........or has multiple personalities..........
Buddhism's ''no-self concept'' explains all these............psychologists also said that this concept helps them to understand their mental patients..........
### go read up Buddhism's 5 aggregates or 5 skandhas and you'll realize your so-called soul or self is a delusion based on the 5 aggregates...........
### a soul or self is like a car..........there's is no car becoz it's made up of the chassis, engine, wheels, etc etc..........similarly, the soul or self is a construct of the 5 aggregates............
### there are tons os evidence of people recalling their past lives...........and people waking from a long coma and start talking a foreign language in foreign accent...........also of people having more than 10 or even 20 different personalities ............
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