i told you many times already homo sapiens is not a monkey . and please stop telling ppl you are make of DIRT . whahahaha. " And you believe in part of what Charles Darwin told you, so you, by your reasong, should be worshipping him in part....he may not be 100% your god but, by your reasoning, he is half-god to you....a demi-god. I DONT EVEN BELIEVE IN GOD ..WHAT DEMI-DOG YOU ALKING ABOUT ? " Nonethless, tells us which one you don't believe of him....for me, I don't believe him 100%. I truly believe - 100% - we are created by God as told in the Bible. We believe the Bible, but we don't worship the Bible. Instead, we worship the God of the Bible....see the difference "! SO YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE A PIECE OF DIRT ? NEXT TIME I CALL YOU DIRT LIAO EVERYTHING ALSO MADE BY GOD ? YOUR GOD ALSO MAKE YOU STUPID .. WHAHAHAHAH