As usual, you simply cut-and-paste verses here verses there....and I don't see any merit trying to reply to what your unholy intention to discredit the Bible. Nonetheless, let me share with the readers here. There are numerous names given to God and each name is given with much merit. For example, God is also know as Counselor but we didn't see Jesus parents called Him "Counselor". God is also know as the Everlasting Prince of Peace and we didn't see His parents called Him this either. God took a human-form to save us from eternal torment of being separated from Him. This is the primarily mission of Jesus' birth. He is not here to gain worldly fame and the last thing that God wants is for people to keep calling His name but lack of trust and confidence in the redemptive blood of Jesus. Without fail, we see people crying out "Oh! Jesxxx" when something got not too right or expected of the situation, and another common meaningless name calling is "For Chxxx-sake".....even non-Christians are calling out these names but they are really meaningless. As a warning to Christians, we must stop calling out the name of our Lord without giving due reverence to the Lordship. We can cry for Him but we must be sincere and let us not be drifted into the name-calling of our Living God like the way pagans do. May God be with you always. He is indeed our Immanuel!