Are we ever outraged? You on the other hand are outraged at evidence of God sir. Who is the hypocrite here? Ahahahahahahaha.................. Scientists cannot prove evolution at all. When evidence shows the impossibility of evolution, you are outraged. ahahahahahahahah........ Why sir? A truine God in monotheistic sir. You don't even know what you are talking about sir. ahahahaahhaaha........... Your face is happy when you read of Muslim killing Christians but fake outrage about events thousands of years ago in context you totally ignored. Yes sir, we have no problem with a virgin birth. It proved Jesus' divinity sir. Do you laugh at hindu beliefs that deify humans , and greek cliams about gods sleeping with woman? Little loppholes you say? More like you ignore gapping holes in your own theories in your belief systems sir. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No on goes to the Father except through him. We can only tell you the truth, its your perogative to accept or reject it, no hypocrisy involve sir. Do you speak in tongues? You ever broken through into the supernatural? How can you criticise something you don't undrstand and never experienced? Aren't you a hypocrite? Where did you get the stats from sir? Prove it. You have shown us you know nothing much about Christianity but wants to criticise it. Who is the hypocrite here sir? Ahahahahahahaha.........