I have offered to your comrade....scientist (???) Rojak the challenge...to compute the statistical probability that the first verse of the Bible written in the original language of Hebrew to be written due to chance. But sadly, he went cold-feet and since then I have not heard to much from him. I have given him a clue....the chance that this verse (Genesis 1:1) written due to chance is 1/10 to the 12th power (at the minimum). Unless some divine being was involved in the writting, this verse couldn't have been written. A latest exchange of the message has indicated to me he was giving his excuse that he is now involved in an important project and couldn't have the time to write. I think this just his limp excuse! I believe he simply went cold-feet. May be you want to check it out with him. My offer to you now: Go search in the google for Bible gematria and you can see that there are dozens of verses in the OT (written in Hebrew) and NT (written in Greek) when converted to numerals would have given you some mathemactical (or gematria) structure that only modern computer could discover. These mathematical reflect that the Holy Scriptures are written with total order that could only be guided by the divine hand of God. These are very clear signs that the Bible cannot be written by men. God is thus the Sole-Author of this Book!