But do you believe these were real historical events? Or they were just written as 'fairy tales?' So, you do believe Jesus died finally or still think that Jesus didn't die and had gone to India, China, UK? Make up your mind please! The truth is that Jesus did cry out these words before He took His last breath on the cross, and remember, Jesus was born as a man in order to redeem sinners to His Kingdom. That was indeed a human cry because of the inhuman tortures that He suffered under the Roman's soldiers. Jesus in the human body experienced the excruciating pains and suffering but that was not the very reason that He cried of. His cry was because He was separated from God the Father because God couldn't bear to see the sins of the world (the past, the present and the future) that His only begotten Son was carrying, and God the Father had to turn away from Jesus. This is a very good lesson for Christians, and read my lips, for Christians: If Jesus cannot bear such agony of the 'broken fellowship' with God even for such short period, how are we able to? It is therefore very important for us as born-again Christians to have our continual fellowship with our Creator by regularly studying His words and obeying His commandments. Certainly, for those who are drifted away from the truth, they will find this lesson meaningless. Mark my words....just see the responses from these drifters and you will know what I meant.