u talk so much cock but has zero relation to what i had said or perform using those few simple equations. if you don't know thermodynamic, keep your mouth shut so trying to act high class in participating topic that you have zero idea. want to attack me yet as usual always get out of points. if you quote and attack, THEN ATTACK WHAT WAS QUOTED, WHICH ARE THE EQUATIONS, STOP GETTING OUT OF POINT USELESS FUCK. asking me why in thermodynamic life is assumed to be of more orderly where dS < 0, WHY NOT ASK YOURSELF FUCKING GET YOURSELF A PROPER EDUCATION AND LEARN THIS SIMPLE FACT IN SCHOOL? you just make yourself a fucking joke by asking this. in thermodynamic this is as good as asking why in maths 1 + 1 = 2. Now name me a creature that you say exist body temperature lower than surrounding all the time. For your fucking info, if you are thinking about cold blooded animals (whose body temp is NOT lower than surrounding stupid fuck), these few lines of equations work as well. seriously even if i bother to show here, you understand? from this stupid long essay , it tells me that you know ZERO SHIT.