Teaching of evolution in SG schools
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04-30-2012, 06:40 PM
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Mar 2007
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video on evolution
this video on evolution does little to improve the understanding of evolution, more often than not, it confuses.
if me could further elaborate: the diversity of living organisms need not come from one single type of organism as this video had presented. more likely than not, the diversity is achieved when various mutated groups branched off from a group of similar organisms. the critical mass in population had to be achieved before we see the selection forces start operating on that species of organism.
the cheetah would be a good candidate to look at as its population is dwindling so small, it is unlikely to see much mutation in its genome on the whole, save for the recessive genes showing up due to excessive in-breeding. we, the humans, on the other hand would be another good candidate to look at as we seem to have reached critical mass. we're looking at more occurrences from various types of mutation, cyclopia, cleft lips, spinal bifida, so on and so forth.
embryology is another good branch of biology to understand more about evolution, look at the embryo of a chick, human, fish, and or any vertebrate and you'll see that a lot of organisms do share a lot of common traits
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