FS, The Holy Trinity is not about 3 gods. It is about God in Three-Person. This is a very big difference. I have written in the various threads here...like all matters, they can appear in 3 forms: liquid, solid, and gas (= vapour). From the molecular structure, they are the same like water, regardless whether is in the form of liquid, solid or gas, it comprises of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Certainly, we are not equating God to atoms but this simply illustrates that God too can appear in three forms. Another point to take note is that when Jesus was on earth, He was both God and human. This is where many people got very confuse in terms of Jesus' teachings. We need to study very carefully because some of the things that He said (and did) were done as human. For instance, when He was crucified, Jesus borne all the sins of man as sinless-man, and when He cried out to God: Why has thou foresaken me, the cried was that for a human desperate for God's fellowship and care. Even for Jesus - in human form - He needs continuous fellowship with God, and even a short movement of separation from God was too unbearable for Him. What more when we are truly sinful man. That's why was pointed and testified by Fishy, at one point he felt so sick because he thought (wrongfully, of course) that heaven was not made for him. People can become suicidal that was driven by the state of hopelessness because they have lost the life-purpose. We are here for only one purpose: To walk and end our lives here and to be united with our Creator forever. So, are you now living with a state of hopelessness?