These satanic preachers will tell you that God used them to speaks to you when they preached, what a load of bullshit. The 10 Commandments, supposedly hand down by Abraham, is for them (preachers, teachers, organization, but not really of you if you know how to intepret them correctly. 1st Commandment - Thou shall not have no other God before Me. It says that that when you come to this church don't bring your Tua Pek Kong. Kuan Ying, Allah, Kuan Kong idealogy with you. If everyone do that, members get confused. So say the world have only 1 God covers all their bases. 2nd Com Thou shall not crave an image They tell you not to bring any Tua Pek kong idols into the church to contradict their ONLY GOD.. 3rd Comm - my God is a jealous God They established themselves using their imagined God to threat and intimidate and jealous is a misterious word to use.. 4th Com - Thou shall not slander the Church God Again warning post put up to warn you not to use their God name to swear at people. 5 Com - Honour your father and mother This is very chim one - Warning parents to make sure your child behaves well in the church premises. 6 & 7 Com - Thou shall not kill and thou shall not commit adultery Lagi Chim - these 2 are links to tell you not to flirt with members wife or children. Don't chiko members wife or sleep around with their wive. You and the woman can get kill if you are found out. 8 and 9 Com - Thou shall not lie or steal Don't steal money from bags lying about in the church premises, and if found don't lie and pretend didn't happened. Don't lie and make fun of members or steal church properties or money. 10 Com - Don't be covetous at your neighours - Best commandment they ever come out with to protect themselves if they were to drive big Merz and living in District 9 bangalows. They reminded you that you can get jealous if you see them driving big and expensive cars or live in big bangalows. ALL their bases are covered well in the name of GOD! How wonderful!