FCBC another CHC ?
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07-13-2011, 11:34 PM
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Oct 2005
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FCBC another CHC ?
Hi Guys,
I am new to this place.
Recently, my daughter brought to my attention this website.
In it were alot of photos of
Priscilla Khong
at cafe del mar.
As a christian, I was very disgusted that the daughter of the senior pastor, had openly allowed herself to be photographed online in such a cheap fashion.
She not only performs magic, but teaches it to schools and even overseas mentoring them. What worries me the most is the kind of morals she is teaching them.
Already a single mother of one, born out of wedlock
. She continues living such a frivolous lifestyle. Openly cavorting with other women in a swimming pool displaying a crass large body tattoo, it is totally unbearable to look at.
I am surprised Pastor Lawrence allows this kind of behaviour to go on. I worry for what ever they are teaching in Project SMILE as Priscilla is such a terrible example to youths, let alone a mentor to them in magic. I have lost faith in the Christians and what FCBC stands for. The tithes of followers should go to doing good not paying for drinks in sentosa beach.
Also, I recently have had enough of the church continuously advertising the show VISION put up by Gateway Entertainment. Gateway Entertainment is founded by Lawrence Khong, in which Priscilla Khong is Creative Director. They continously insist that they are doing Gods work by
"Conquering the arts and entertainemnt scene".
Obviously, this private company has links to the church is funded by the church. Therefore, I am very suspicious over the Vision show and question the financial viability using church funds. I for one would love to see details of the finances being used and how they are justified.
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