Hi Guys, I am new to this place. Recently, my daughter brought to my attention this website. Brother Mohan, Thanks for sharing, and of course, no thanks to what is being shown in the hypertext. As a Christian myself, I am not surprised at all with all these because it is very clear from the Bible that in the last days, there will be great falling away. Jesus reminded us that the road to His kingdom is narrow but the road to eternal damnation is wide open. As a strong believer myself, I feel the need to uphold one another and not to let all these to put our faith in jeopardy. At the end of the day, they, i.e. the so-called religious leaders have to account to God for what they did. For the very reason to encourage one another, I started a thread under Today's Scripture Reading here. If you have read them, you will notice that alot of my sharings are relating to this topic of 'great falling away' of believers in the last days. We are now living in the day of evil so we need the help of our God to continue to sustain us. Let's not let all these bother us and all we can do is to seek God for His direction in our prayer. This was Prophet Habakku did. He saw the evil days during his time - more than 2,000 years ago - and he changed from worrying to praying because that all he could do, and that's all we could do too. As regards to your daughter, as parents, we need to continue to teach them and help them to discern what are godly practices and what are ungodly practices. Children are precious gifts from God and it is His interest that His children are well-protected - from evilness, of course. God Bless Psalm23