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Old 02-29-2012, 03:50 AM   #30

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Yah, spirits or ghosts cannot be seen by most people. But, the problem is spirits are almost everywhere like mozzies, ants, lizards or roaches. A friend of mine had such an ability. But, he said it has since faded away as he grew up into adulthood. I know of such young children who have such ability are often being scared by these things in the night. Try to avoid ground floor condo or bungalow.

My mom also felt the 'chill' (a gust of moving cold 'air') in a hospital during a night visit. Remember there wasn't any windows or doorway at the enclosed corridor.
actually talk about this, i still have childhood memories of it.

Although now i am more of an atheist (but i love buddhism philosophy thus strongly influenced by it, its more like an atheist religion anyway)...

I was a kid maybe no more than 6 years old? a year or so before i enter kindergarten. live in one of the last few kampongs around then. I have no freaking idea why, somehow one day i was standing nake on a chair. don't ask me why but i have no idea what i did. maybe i soil my pants, seriously i cannot remember.

i remember crying while standing on the chair, then suddenly i felt someone smack my backside very hard. I turn around and look, NO ONE. and its bloody painful with a red mark on my backside. i ignore it and cry even harder, ANOTHER SLAP and this time round i could hear kids laughing. same thing, LOOK AROUND no one was within 5 m of reach to do that.

i cry like nobody business then. as this incident was way to strange to be forgotten, even though its pre-school period i remember it till now even after almost 20 over years
Peptobismol is offline


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