actually talk about this, i still have childhood memories of it. Although now i am more of an atheist (but i love buddhism philosophy thus strongly influenced by it, its more like an atheist religion anyway)... I was a kid maybe no more than 6 years old? a year or so before i enter kindergarten. live in one of the last few kampongs around then. I have no freaking idea why, somehow one day i was standing nake on a chair. don't ask me why but i have no idea what i did. maybe i soil my pants, seriously i cannot remember. i remember crying while standing on the chair, then suddenly i felt someone smack my backside very hard. I turn around and look, NO ONE. and its bloody painful with a red mark on my backside. i ignore it and cry even harder, ANOTHER SLAP and this time round i could hear kids laughing. same thing, LOOK AROUND no one was within 5 m of reach to do that. i cry like nobody business then. as this incident was way to strange to be forgotten, even though its pre-school period i remember it till now even after almost 20 over years