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Old 02-21-2012, 12:26 AM   #38

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Bro Conqueror, I jus tot tt I'm only here to read but after ur quote, I cant resist writing tis reply.

It's not cooked up. I can be His witness. But, don't try to think He's all knowing and all mighty ... er, it really depends on situation. There were times He was great. His appearance was like a sun - bright and very warm like a powerful spotlight. I find it hard to explain here when the room was dark when I was closing my eyes in prayer. It was there when I closed my eyes. People who don't understand this phenomenon would be scared silly.

As for me, I've seen Him, talked to Him, quarreled with Him; and therefore, I can FULLY UNDERSTAND what He is and what He stands for. That's NOT arrogance. That is the truth.

The Bible is not just a history book nor an instruction manual. Because, you have not seen WHAT it can really do. That's for me to know but for to you to figure out if He's willing enough to reveal Himself.

Like I have said before, there will always be supporters and believers no matter how you put it and reason it with them.

Anyway, I rest my case.
I have to say tt I believe any "God" or "Goddess" from any religion exist & I totally agree w ur quote tt "God" will always have supporters w him no matter wat.

But tis forum is for all to share their feel & tots on any topic. Sad thing is, tis thread is bout the Bible, which is an instrument tt "God" use to translate history & teachings to his followers. I'm sure non of the topics or replies here r meant to insult ur "God". U can even start a topic on other religion if u feel they're not as good as ur "God".

But tis is not my point. I wanna share my experiences & tots on "God" & his followers. Then hopefully u can enlighten me on the experiences I've gone thru & questions tt has been w me since young.

First experience:
I've studied bible when I was 10yrs old. For a full year, 3 days every week, my bible teacher will guide me through the bible at my home. Throughout tt year, I was taught tt if I do not follow "God's" way of teaching, or have no faith in "God", he the almighty will not let me join him in the Kingdom of Heaven, instead I will be damn to Hell to suffer. I was also taught to pray to "God" for guidance in life every night before I sleep, soon my prayers "will be answered". Learning tt, I sincerely prayed every night tt my dad will quit his alcohol habit & I prayed for whose loansharks who broke my house window will be caught so we can sleep without fear. My prayers were not answered. My dad eventually died in his sleep after his drinking session. Those loansharks continued harassing us till my step-mum cleared my dad's debts. Now they may be richer & legalized now due to all the licences tt Government r issuing out.

One night in 2005, my Grand-aunt was lying on her "death" bed in SGH, the doc said she may not be able to pull through tt night. All those "God" followers relatives came, stand by her bed, crying & showing my Grand-aunt they r there to send her off, even though my Grand-aunt was still breathing. They even sing praise there & tell my her not to worry & asked her to go. I was like "WTF?", they're asking my Grand-aunt to give up her life. In the end, she pull through the night. Tt night, non of those "God" followers relatives, includes my Grand-aunt's son (he's also one of "God" follower), stayed for the night to look after her. They went home leaving my granny & me. I stayed through the night for her. I tot they will stay over the next night, but it was my granny instead. Eventually, Grand-aunt passed away the 3rd night all alone (Granny was tired after the previous night & I was in camp). Till now, I dont understand y non of them were there. Maybe they prefer taking comfort frm their bed rather than giving care to the sick.

(1) Must "God" have to command ppl to believe in him & follow his teaching? Even before he offers the after life in Kingdom of Heaven, if it exist. I remember reading in the Bible tt many non-believers suffered in the acts of "God", especially the episode where non-believers' first born died. In history & movies, the English traveled frm country to country in "God's" name destroying non-believers. U may have came across tis thread, "Christianity the most persecuted religion in the world". There r also news of followers got themselves killed for spreading their faith in "God". I'm a strong believer of the saying, "What goes around, comes around". U know wat I mean?

(2) They say those who believe in "God" will be rewarded in life through prayers. Pls explain y r ppl, they're either Christians or Catholics, suffering around the world no matter how much they believe in "God" & how hard they pray? They do not have enough food for their family, no roof, etc... When I prayed to him, I really prayed w my heart sincerely, asking him for help & guidance during those days even though I'm jus at 10yrs old. They went unanswered. Instead it went the opposite way. My dad died due to alcohol. Loansharks prosperous throughout the years. If wat u've quoted below, "not the chosen one" is correct, tt says it all y my prayers were not answered. Even till now, I dont care if he chooses me or not. I jus wan my prayers answered even if it means I've to cut my flesh out for him, in exchange for better life.

You will see nothing but coloured patterns. It will always be a mystery to all EXCEPT the chosen one. Some people may call this ability as a third eye.
As for me, I've seen Him, talked to Him, quarreled with Him; and therefore, I can FULLY UNDERSTAND what He is and what He stands for. That's NOT arrogance. That is the truth. I think I'm starting to envy u. Reason is tt u gets the chance to quarreled with "God". Also, does tt means he is not a perfect "God"? One thing I can be sure is tt in everyone's heart, their "God" or "Goddess" is definitely a perfect one. I will not quarrel w mine.

(3) I find most of "God's" followers wear masks. Look at wat my relatives did during tt time. They're to "show face" to Grand-aunt & outsiders in SGH. Non stayed to help attend my Grand-aunt when she needed them most. Probably all they care is her fortune after she go. Not only tt, there're also many reports on children being abused in churches around the world. These children were abused in places & by ppl who r suppose to protect them. There's couple of ways to looking at it. One, the followers gain the victims' trust through lies for money & lust. The other is, they force the faith into the victims.

(4) Jus wondering why do believers/ followers have to give 10% of their monthly pay as tithing to the church which was somehow mentioned in the Bible? Followers from some churches declared those who didnt give the full 10%, even due to financial reasons, will not get the full blessing from "God". Threads like tis r often found in other forum.
My understandings in other religion, followers were requested only to give any amount of money they can afford, food, anything tt can be use & most importantly, frm their heart. For those who cant give, its ok, they can help.
R tithing meant for constructing a luxurious churches so leaders & members will feel proud?
In Singapore, there r reports of certain church pastors misappropriating funds for their own benefits. Churches being investigated for not accounting funds collected & used.

Lately I found a blog by a member of a well know church in Singapore. She was mentioning her opinions on the things the church did. Hope u can read her story frm the link.

In this case tt I came across in 2010, a well known church spent almost $50k, not including venue booking, dinner & beverage, jus for entertainment & sound system for their 75th anniversary celebration, for 2000 guests. I'm not saying they cant celebrate, but they can use those money for good cause in helping the poor. They may make a better name for themselves.

As a former student of Bible learning, r these "God's" fault due to his teachings or his followers's fault due to their misinterpretation of his teachings?

I welcome any comments by any Bro or Sis so I will know where I'm wrong.
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