Christmas was never the birthday of the FICTIONAL Jesus.........
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12-20-2011, 12:38 PM
Paul Bunyan
Join Date
Jul 2007
Senior Member
Dec 25 is the accepted day to acknowledge the birth of Jesus by Western Christians since the Nicene Creed. For others it the official day for year-end merry-making and festivities. For Eastern Christians, the day is January 7. Also wrong I think.
The date, and character of Jesus is accepted also to be fictional by modern Christians. In his book The Pagan Christ, Tom Harpur (Canada's most outspoken theologian) describes the story of Christ as based on an earlier Egyptian story, approx. two thousand years before the time of our current Christ. However, whether true or not is not relevant anymore for the greatest story every told. The character has influenced the formation of present day nations, thought and philosophy, and has been an inspiration for great people.
Paul Bunyan
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