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Old 12-11-2011, 09:58 PM   #1

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Default Science and Religions: For the Open-minded Ones
Each world faith tradition has its own distinctive relationship with science, and the science-religion dialogue benefits from a greater awareness of what this relationship is. In this book, members of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR) offer international and multifaith perspectives on how new discoveries in science are met with insights regarding spiritual realities.

The essays reflect the conviction that "religion and science each proceed best when they're pursued in dialogue with each other, and also that our fragmented and divided world would benefit more from a strongerdialogue between science and religion." In part one, George F. R. Ellis, John C. Polkinghorne, and Holmes Rolston III, each a Templeton Prize winner, discuss their views on why the science and religion dialogue matters. They are joined in part two by distinguished theologians Fraser Watts and Philip Clayton, who place the dialogue in an international context. In part three, writers look at the distinctiverelationships of their faiths to science:

  • Carl Feit on Judaism
  • Munawar Anees on Islam
  • B. V. Subbarayappa on Hinduism
  • Trinh Xuan Thuan on Buddhism
  • Heup Young Kim on Asian Christianity

George Ellis summarizes the contributions of his colleagues. Ronald Cole-Turner then concludes the book with a discussion of the future of the science and religion dialogue.

Table of Contents

Preface Fraser Watts

Part 1: Why the Dialogue Matters
1. Why the Science and Religion Dialogue Matters George F. R. Ellis
2. Does “Science and Religion” Matter? John Polkinghorne
3. The Science and Religion Dialogue: Why It Matters Holmes Rolston III

Part 2: The International Context
4. Science and Religion: Where Have We Come From and Where Are We Going? John Polkinghorne
5. Science, Religion, and Culture Fraser Watts
6. The State of the International Religion-Science Discussion Today Philip Clayton

Part 3: Perspectives from World Faith Traditions
7. Judaism and Science: A Contemporary AppraisalCarl Feit
8. Is the Science and Religion Discourse Relevant to Islam? Munawar A. Anees
9. Science and Hinduism: Some Reflections B. V. Subbarayappa
10. Science and Buddhism: At the Crossroads Trinh Xuan Thuan
11. Asian Christianity: Toward a Trilogue of Humility: Sciences, Theologies, and Asian Religions Heup Young Kim

Conclusion: Science, Religion, and the Future of Dialogue Ronald Cole-Turner


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