Misconceptions about Christianity
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06-12-2011, 06:31 PM
Big A
Join Date
Oct 2005
what about the early Christians had been eradicated... ebionites, marcionites, gnostics, derciutius (spelling) just to name afew. in the early formation of the churches, there were many sectors of beliefs and one by one, the odd balls were hunted them down and their faith destroyed. which books had the most influences against the current NT we have now; codex vaticanus or sinaiticus? the council of Nicaea chose the latter. if they chose the former, thing would have been very different.
women were involved in the early ministry but because of the low regards for women back then, the epistles were "tweaked" to remove them. is it true that the NT had been changed to block out Mary who was chosen to be the chief disciple instead of Peter? we may never know, but centuries, mary had been protrayed as a harlot, a prostitute, is this true?
the head of the church, Peter, had written gospel and apocalypse. not to mention theodicies of Irenean, augustinian, sinaiticus, etc... plus heaps of lost books which were considered apocryphic. book of enoch, jubliees, wisedom of solomons, gospel of philip, thomas, mary... etc..
also pentateuch were written by 5 authors with different style of writing. and king hezekiah had some influences on the way they were written.
what im trying to say is; there is a whole big story behind the faith. one should not take in hook, line and sinker just because the canonized version stipulate so which was organized by Ireneaus. 4 gospels are good enough coz there are 4 corners of the world? early churches had alot of politics and infighting before things get ironed out.
religion is one thing, human intelligence is another. can we see thing in a different light, scientists always deal in consensus, experimental and theoretical by evidence and observation, never deal in absolute. But religions do, in both absolute and blind obedience, that goes for all faith on earth.
majority of the Singaporean believers are just typical singaporeans; leave the thinking hard work to somebody else, and they pick up the easy part and that is to obey and believe.
Big A
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