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Old 06-01-2010, 03:02 PM   #1

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Default Why are there so many idiots in City Harvest Church?
Read this article written by one idiot from CHC:

S$1,500 pledge return within 4 days, Praise the Lord

by stan

Starting on the first day of Asia Conference, as usual we have offerings. Then second day Pastor Kong Hee was appealing the attendee to pledge S$300 if they can to help the charity organisation.

My thought was, already I had pledge quite a sum in the Arise and Build. So the offering of S$10 or S$20 would be enough. Then next day the amount increased to S$500. Deep inside me, I felt the Holy Spirit is telling to fulfill the offering. By the way, the pledge of Arise and Build had overshoot the target of S$24,000,000 at S$25,000,000 and Pastor Kong Hee announce with great joy that we had done it. Praise the Lord!

Then on Saturday service with Pastor Benny Hinn. He challenged everyone to pledge US$1,000 for the charity. And he said that everytime he get people to do that, miracle happened. The money will return to you within 12 days.

This time the Holy Spirit within me spoke even more audible "Go, Stanley. Do it." So, I could not escape this time and I am among the 1st few to reach the Hall 7 stage. Then Pastor Benny Hinn ask all to come to Hall 8 for the Prayer blessing. Wow, first time in my life in EXPO, I ran like a marathon champion. I reached there in double quick time, standing behind those who were already at the side of the stage. I had never forget Pastor Casey Treat's sermon. "Say things that are not and speak with your mouth as though they were in Prayer." Then in a while the night is over and I got home to prepare for Sunday Service.

Surprised telephone call from AIA on Tuesday 28th Nov 2008

Call Center "Hello, hi are you Mr Tan?"
(I can hear her accent, she is a Philiphine lady)

I replied "Yes, I am. What is it regarding?"

Call Center "You have a cheque issued for your matured policy and I need to verify your home address, so that we can sent it to you."

I replied "Okay sure."

Call Center "Is your address Blk 320, Yishun Central...."

I replied "No, that is not right, that was my old address. How could the office not knowing my address. My new policies are all sent to my current address."

Call Center "Okay, Sir. Apologised for that. Can you provide your current address so that we can mail this cheque to you."

I replied "Okay, my address is........ By the way, how much is the cheque?'

Call Center "The amount is S$1,638..."

I replied "Oh thank you."

After I had put down the phone, I thanks our Lord Jesus many times, because I have no idea where this cheque come from. Moreover I am currently a Financial Services Consultant with AIA, I had checked with the office and computer system; there was no record of any old policy in my account. So I presumed that I had redeemed all for cash, and thrown all the old policies away. In fact, there are 2 web design jobs on hand in the process of negotiation. So, I thought I would have to spent some effort to seal the web design deal at $1,500 and I can take it that this is the blessing of return of the pledged money, but that would mean that I had spent some effort to justify the price to be $1,500.

But, look at what our Lord Jesus had done for me, I don't have to spent any effort to receive the return of the money! I really thanks Abba Father Lord Jesus for this surprise anointing. It was such a PERFECT timing. The date of cheque issue was 10th Sept 2008. I could have received in October, then there is not much for me to thank God for. But the amazing invisible hand of God works wonderfully. He arranged such that it fulfilled the prophency of the pledge money facilitated by Pastor Benny Hinn within 12 days and I recieved it the cheque 7 days! Praise the Lord. Hallelujah!
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