I believe all religions teaches us to be good and righteous. But if u open up a thread on ur religion and feel that ur religion is the only path to Heaven, then u must be prepared to answer questions pose to u. Fair? Most of my questions are itself from ur scripture. But instead of answering me, u evade it and instead keep repeating we TCSS... Couple of questions still left unanswered. I repeat again 1. if I embrace Judaism, and being righteous, would I still get to go Heaven? 2. is it true we are all gentiles except the Chosen one i.e. Jews? Appreciate if u could quote ur answers from ur own scripture i.e. Torah. I am an amateur..not good in quoting texts. Tats all for the time being. If u care to just pause for a minute, u would realise how important the above two questions are. Especially for those who wish to seek the truth, to attain salvation and to be in paradise in the hereafter. U can chose to ignore if u think such questions are TCSS.