you may also wants to do some reading, Yes, we have to obey the Law, but by the law alone, no one can reach Heaven bec the fresh is weak, it is by the grace of Jesus that power to overcome sin are given. by the grace of Jesus & your likeness to christ, your name will be written in the book of living. But if you keep passing judgment onto others, it is like rejecting the grace of Jesus and will be judged as a mortal with no relationship to the father. Therefore the Law will be hard on you and your conscious will not save you. But if you accepted Christ & have the grace of Jesus with you, you became the son of the heavenly father and how can a father be hard on his son? when Jesus was crucified, he became the prefect sacrifice for our sins, but it is only by admitting your sins, ask for forgiveness and declaring his that he is the savior that the grace of the lord will be given to you.