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Old 01-10-2009, 10:25 AM   #1

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In Pakistan, the mullahs are notorious for child abuse and molestation. Every day, we hear news about a mullah sodomizing his beardless student. It is very common in Pakistan. Almost every one knows what happens in madrassas. Even one of my friends narrowly escaped from being sodomized by his Quranic teacher when he was taking the Quran memorizing lessons.
But why do these mullahs commit such a thing, allegedly condemned in Islam? Muslims are most vocal in commending sodomy, homosexuality in words? They are known to attack homosexuals in Europe.
Answer is that, according to them, masturbation is haram. Seeing any na mehram girl is also prohibited. The only way left to satisfy their lusty desires is to sodomize one of their pupils. While reading from a shia Website,, I came across the fact that the root of sodomy lies in the Islamic text and history. Here are some examples of the gems from the history and authentic books of Sunni Islam.

Umar indulged in sodomy and Allah was forced to legitimize this practise in the Qur'an

For evidence you can consult the following texts:

Jami al Tirmidhi, Bab al Tafseer Volume 2, page 382, 'Ayat Hars'

Fathul Bari Volume 8 page 191 Kitab Tafseer Ayat Hars

Gharab al Qur'an Volume 3 page 249 Ayat Hars

Tafseer al Ibn Katheer Volume 1 page 261

Fayl ai Lawathar Volume 6 page 229

Tafseer Qurtubi Volume 1 page 92 Ayat Hars

Lets quote verbatim from Jami al Tirmidhi [Bab al Tafseer Vol. 2, p. 382, 'Ayat Hars']:

"Ibn Abbas narrates that Hadhrath Umar went before Rasulullah (s) and "Master I am destroyed!'. Rasulullah (s) asked 'what thing has destroyed you?'. Umar replied last night I had anal sex. Rasulullah (s) did not give a reply to Umar, then Allah (swt) sent down this revelation "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will; the words 'kabool wa Dhabar' (the anus is accepted)"

Abdullah Ibn Umar deemed sodomy to Halaal, like his old man.

For evidence, please consult the following authentic Sunni texts:

Tafseer Durre Manthur Volume 1 page 264 Ayat Hars

Tafseer Qasmi Volume 2 page 220, by Jamaladeen Qasmi

Tafseer Qurtubi page 92 Ayat Hars

Here is the direct quote from Tafseer Durre Manthur:

"Traditions wherein Abdullah ibn Umar believed sodomy with women are well known and Sahih".

Ulema of Madina believed that sodomy was halaal.

Please see the following Sunni sources:

Fayl al Lawathar Volume 6 page 154 Kitab Nikah, Bab Mut'ah

Tafseer Qasmi Volume 2 page 223 Ayat Hars

Tafseer Ibn Katheer Volume 1 page 262 Ayat Hars

Fathul Bari Volume 8 page 191 Ayat Hars

Tafseer Mazhari, Volume 3, Page 19

Quoting directly from Fayl al Lawathar:

"Imam Auzai stated of the Fatwas from Hijaaz that are famous, one fatwa is from the people of Makka is that is that they deemed Mut'ah with women to be permissible, the other from the people of Madina, that sodomy with women is permissible".

Ibn Kathir in his Tafseer also stated:

"Statements on the permissibility of sodomy with women have come from the jurists of Madina".

Companions of mohammed deemed sodomy with women to be permissible

We read in Tafseer Qurtubi Volume 3 page 93 Ayat Hars:

"Fatwas on the permissibility of sodomy with women Saeed bin Maseeb Nafi, ibn Umar, Muhammad bin Kab, Abdul Malik, Imam Malik, a large group amongst the Sahaba and Tabaeen deemed sodomy to be permissible".

Imam Sha'afi deemed sodomy to be permissible!

Please see the following Sunni texts:

Tafseer Durre Manthur Volume 1 page 266, Ayat Hars

Tafseer Ruh al Ma'ani page 125, Ayat Hars

Tafseer Ahkam al Qur'an Volume 1 page 265

Tafseer Qasmi Volume 2 page 228 Baqarah Verse 223

Al Mahzoorath page 268

We read in Tafseer Durre Manthur:

"On sodomy with women, Imam Sha'afi no Sahih narration's have reached us from Rasulullah (s) as to whether it is halaal or haraam and logic suggests that this halaal".

Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah Abu Maleeka suggested 'in times of trouble' use a stick!'

We read in Tafseer Durre Manthur Ayat Hars:

"Abu Maleeka was asked whether it was permissible to practise sodomy with women. He replied 'Last night I practised sodomy with my servant, penetration became difficult hence I sought the assistance of a stick".

Imam Malik believed sodomy with women was halaal

We read in the following Sunni sources:

Ahkam al Qur'an Volume 1 page 352 Ayat Hars

Tafseer Gharab al Qur'an Volume 2 page 249 Ayat Hars

Tafseer Durre Manthur Volume 1 page 111, Ayat Hars

Fathul Bari Volume 8 page 190 Kitab Tafseer Ayat Hars

Quoting verbatim from Ahkam al Qur'an:

"Sahil asked Imam Malik 'is sodomy with women permissible? Imam Malik replied 'I just did this act and have just washed by sexual organs".

Imam Abu Hanifa's esteemed student Ibn Mubarak was also a homosexual

We also read in 'Muhadarat al-'udaba', p. 199, Chapter 1, "Al hada al Saani" that:

"Hakim Tabaristan made Abdullah bin Mubarak a Judge, who was addicted to the anus (Homosexual) he asked the Hakim 'Sir I need some men who can help you" Hakim said I was aware of your need before this".

The Salaf deem it permissible to pray Salat behind a homosexual Imam

We read in Sahih al Bukhari, p. 96, Kitab Bab ul Salaat, narrates a tradition from Zuhri [Sahih al-Bukhari, p. 96, 1375 AH print]:

"The Imamate of a mukhanath at a time of necessity is Sahih".

Note: Arabic word "Mukhanath" means homosexual. This hadith has been removed from the English version of Bukhari, but exists in old copies of Arabic version. E.g. this 1375 Hijri print.

So I think that the mullahs sodomizing little girls and boys are not wrong at all they are just following the Sunnah of the prophet and his companions.
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