Have we reached the turning point?
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02-28-2006, 08:00 AM
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Nov 2008
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Have we reached the turning point?
Originally posted by ibrodsky
Today may have been a turning point. The Arab Summit has been a complete failure: only half of the Arab leaders showed up, and both the Palestinians and some Saudis have reportedly left.
And today, one of Arafat's terrorists has killed at least 15 Israelis -- with many in critical condition. The final death toll could exceed 20.
Should Israel end its policy of restraint? Should Israel prosecute this war to the fullest? I am starting to think the very same thing.
Unless Israel goes about the business of saving its own people through any means necessary, the world would be pleased to keep quiet while thousands, perhaps evetually millions of Israelis are slaughtered in the streets of the Jewish homeland.
Already Israelis are hostages to the fear of Islamic terrorism in their own land, like much of the rest of the world. Life is no longer anything even close to normal and every day the dead are piling up and the wounded are overwhelming hospitals in all major Israeli cities.
Yet, time and time again, no matter what the Arab attrocity against the Jews might be, and no matter how many dead Israelis line the streets, the "civilized" world makes sure that Israel is forcibly prevented from defending its own citizens and putting an end to Islamic terrorism.
I hope that the Israeli government will finally understand that the rest of the world's opinions on Israeli restraint are simply not nearly as important as survival.
It's not a question of whether to start a full-scale war against the Palestinians, but how to respond to the full-scale war that the Palestinians have started already.
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