Assassination in Damascus: 'Mabhouh's aide' killed
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06-27-2012, 09:47 PM
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Assassination in Damascus: 'Mabhouh's aide' killed
Kol hakavod to whomever put this mad dog down.
A senior Hamas operative has been assassinated in his Damascus apartment
, the Islamist terror group announced Wednesday evening.
According to a statement by a member of Hamas' politburo, the organization did not know who was responsible for the death of Kamal Ranaja, known as Nizzar Abu-Mujhad, but was launching an investigation to discover who is behind the "despicable crime."...
However, shortly after his death was announced, the new pan-Arabic television station Al-Mayadeen reported that
he used to serve as aide to Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a senior Hamas member who took part in several terror attacks and was also involved in kidnapping and killing IDF soldiers. Mabhouh was assassinated in Dubai in 2010
. The deed was laid at the door of Mossad, which never confirmed or denied the accusation.
Al-Mayadeen also reported that
Ranaja was responsible for smuggling weapons into the Gaza Strip from Iran
... source:,7...248468,00.html
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