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Old 03-11-2009, 03:07 PM   #5

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Firstly when I was in Swat in my role as a hippie in 1972 years before Pak and US were accused of creating Taliban they were already there, they just had not been armed yet. Not only that but my village was often visited by foreign fighters even one from the PLO. They were already in NWFP before the Russians invaded.
Taliban was created in 1994 after the Cold War. When the Jihadis had lost their Job and they had nothing to do.

That what worries me even today the same will repeat again. But this time the Jihadis will end up in all over the World.

Recent Report (This can be completely false)
Friday, October 30, 2009

TEL AVIV — Israel's intelligence community has determined that the Al Qaida presence in the Gaza Strip has expanded significantly.

Military sources said the intelligence community has assessed that more than 100 Islamic fighters have entered the Gaza Strip from the tunnel network linked to neighboring Egypt. The sources said the influx of the trained operatives was detected throughout 2009.

"These are people who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and represented the first direct help by the Al Qaida leadership to the Gaza Strip," a military source said.

The flow of Al Qaida fighters to the Gaza Strip has continued despite Hamas's crackdown. In August 2009, Hamas forces raided a Rafah mosque controlled by the Al Qaida-aligned Jund Ansar Allah and killed the group's leader and more than 20 other operatives.

"Following Hamas's mini-crackdown, the Salafi groupings have continued to grow," Jonathan Spyer, senior research fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs Center, said. "No clear line exists between them and the more moderate Islamists of Hamas."

Secondly, I can understand why India wants to keep Pak forces tied up and away from her borders but this really is playing with fire because these guys are going to turn up in India if any deal is made with the Govt in Islamabad. They way I look at it does not make any difference. Pakistan Army also threaten us with Nuclear bombs, sends terrorists to India.

Atleast Taliban will openly say they are doing the terrorist attacks. And the Nuclear bombs will no longer be our Headache. Pakistan Army will only use nukes against India but Taliban will supply it to other Terrorist Organizations around the world...

However Pakistanis may moan about being blown up they basically support Taliban and a future cop-out by Govt of Pak allowing sharia law in NWFP is going to leave the talibs looking for more work with numbers heading south to reclaim Mughal India; LOL. Are you taking about the past or the future....

stolen by the Brits from the Umma and handed over to the Hindus. When British came Hindus were again in power in Most Parts of the India. Which Madrassa are you from ?...

The fact that they do not have a rats chance in hell of taking India back would never dawn on their brainless mentality. They are welcome to come to India. Atleast we know the enemy. What about the place where you stay (U.K) ? They are more powerful when they don't make the noises.

I do accept the notion of the good and bad Taliban in the Texan sense that a good Taliban is a dead Taliban. Good Taliban & Bad Taliban was started by America.

Ahmed Rashid, one of the world's foremost experts on the Taliban, has predicted that with the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, there could very well be an Indian Taliban in the near future. Even in America & U.K. atleast in India even the Indian Muslims will never ask for the separate Land. Did you read Last week FBI killed a Iman who was asking for separate state in America ?

And i don't even want to start on U.K.

Anyways i think i have told you why Taliban taking over Pakistan is not possible and even if it does we don't have to worry. I can even bet that China will be first country to take control over Pakistani Nukes.
S.T.D. is offline


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