Universal Jihad: Radical Islam's Worldwide War on Liberal Democracies
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12-09-2009, 03:15 PM
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Apr 2006
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They are not the only ones. There are millions of Jews for instance that are being targeted by the same. If the those non practicing and mildly practicing (=what I consider 'moderate') Muslims dont have the heart or inclination to take on their radical brethren the rest of us will do it, and not kindly ultimately. The strongest reaction will be in the countries that are most liberal today. Give it 20 years and see how the UK, France, Netherlands, Sweden etc will [over]react, because they haven't correctly reacted when it was opportune. We may already be on this run away train. In fact, I suspect there will be a genocide of Muslims in Europe within 30 years. Not to mention another world war eventually.
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