"The AAM-L flies to the vicinity of the target by inertial navigation, then activates its own active radar for terminal homing." Smart, no emissions until it gets close. India should also look into runway denial weapons, since F-16s require a good surface to operate from, and have bottom intakes (think "vacuum cleaner") prone to sucking up foreign objects. They'll likely centralize their fighters because of spares and support needs, so find and blow those bases ASAP in a war. Backshop and support facilities would be rewarding targets since Pakistan isn't likely to buy a robust store of spares. US fighters sometimes fired radar-guided missiles in Viet Nam, with the expectation that MiGs would select afterburner to evade them. Afterburner leaves a fat thermal signature for Sidewinders to home on. No reason India cannot play the same game with their missile mix. All public knowledge, just waiting to be applied.