Aside from being in supermax prisons in solitaire forever. So, are we supposed to feel sorry for them as they preach hatred to other US prisoners? Latest poll Overall, 60% of all voters somewhat or strongly approve of Obama’s performance so far while 37% disapprove. Voters like what they see in the new Presidentand 48% say that his inauguration begins a new era in race relationsfor the United States. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters nationwide say that American society is generally fair and decent, the highest level ever. The country is not smart enough to see that Obamas policies have been tried in Europe. They will not work. I realize the Constitution stands between you and your agenda, but that is as it should be. I realize how Islamists use the Constitution against America. There would be some support for it and some condemnation of it, reflective of the conflict within the Muslim community. After all, many Muslim leaders have assisted to close radical mosques within their countries and their police and security have kept them closed.