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Old 03-28-2008, 11:17 PM   #5

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Jun 2008
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I don't appreciate her hateful anti-European sentiments and the exaggerations used on her blog. The "data" you're referring to is from blogs (opinions) and guesswork ("I think this and this will happen in 20 years!").
Dont know what you're reading for press these days, but all news "data" is colored by "opinion and guesswork." Pick up a yellow rag like the NY Times, and every front page article stinks of end page editorials. Not so much different for right leaning papers either. We Israelis are especially sensitive to this, since events in our country are radically [mis]interpreted on political grounds and published as plain reuters or AFP, etc, feeds. The sorry lot of anti-Israel sensationalist crap like the Mohamed Dura or Jenin coverage says it all.

If the pro Israel Blogs, her's amongst them, try to balance that equation, more power to them. But please do not peddle the line that News Papers and commercial media outlets generally have any more validity or integrity than any blog, left or right; they plainly don't. There are many organizations that track this sorry record, often uncorrected, or corrected in small print on page 600, after the propaganda has been instrumented and politically secured.

Since I am fairly familiar with the Leftist gray lady- it is well known that the NYT hid the fact that there was a Holocaust going on for at least a year. They further hid the fact that the Soviet Union starved their population. And this is just the very visible top of this iceberg. These people are still in business. I say nothing about them giving platform to known terrorists who have declared genocide as their end game. That is their freedom of press prerogative. But when they lie or more poignantly lie for political effect, they are now part of the political world and should not be treated as any 3rd party interested in presenting "facts" much less "truth", what ever that is.

And frankly, global condemnations, w/o any evidence presented, weaken any debate uniformly. We don't know you from Adam, so you have no credibility but your words. I assure you, you bash and bashing will be had quid pro quo.
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